Mission Statement

Bearing Witness to Local Natural History-- from the wildness of Indiana

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stories in Nature 1

It does not matter where you saunter in Nature, but you will encounter a story just waiting to be interpreted. Walk the edges of a wetland. Wander through a forest. Find your way through a field. There is a story awaiting you. At times you may need to alter your perspective and get on your knees or lie down. Other stories require you to crane your neck high.

We are use to reading stories from paper or the "ink" of an electronic device. These are easy stories. They roll off the page quickly. They require much less thought. Reading Nature is another story-- pardon the pun. To read Nature you must engage your mind and curiosity. You must use deductive reasoning as a nature detective.  You must ask many questions. We all learned in school about the "W" questions-- who, what, when, where, and why-- and don't forget "how".  Are there lessons to be learned within the story?

Story #1 Fallen Tree Trunk      ©Joni L. James

Story #2 Fallen Log      ©Joni L. James

Here are stories I discovered a few days ago. Can you identify the objects? What story/stories do you think are waiting to be read? What story could you create? (Please post a comment below).

When I find tracks, signs, and remains, I often wonder about the events and dramas that occurred in my absence. I can attempt to piece a story together through my knowledge of wildlife, weather, plants, ecosystems, tracks, and signs. Perhaps I will interpret it with accuracy or perhaps not. But what ultimately occurs, is that I learn something and deepen my connection to Nature. And that is the best ending to the story.


Unknown said...

I love reading your blog.
I'm a Morgan County resident
and a photographer (for the love of it),
so I'm always looking for details.
However, when I create a story about what I see,
it usually ends up part fantasy.

Joni James said...

Thank you Deb. I checked out your blog--Simplify and have signed up for emails. Enjoyed your photography! Maybe our paths will cross here in Morgan County. I appreciate you posting comments & reading.I would like more interaction from readers.