Mission Statement

Bearing Witness to Local Natural History-- from the wildness of Indiana

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Finding Solace in the Native Garden

My Native Plot

(NOTE: I am now a member of Beautiful Wildlife Garden Team and will be posting once every four weeks about all things "Wildlife Gardens"! This is an excerpt of my first blog installment in July. You can click the link and it will take you to my Beautiful Wildlife Garden post so you can read the complete post.)

In preparing for this post—my first one—I contemplated my topic. What kept coming back to me was to share my recent personal experience. The experience was a reminder to allow time to enjoy my passions and to find solace in my native garden.

I have been a naturalist since I was a child. I always ask myself, what can I do for my local wildlife? What can I do for the ecosystems on my property?

After reading Doug Tallamy’s book, Bringing Nature Home, and learning of the interdependency of native plants to insects to birds and to pollinators-- I made it my mission to learn more and plant native.

Since then it has been a perspective of, “Ask what you can do for your local ecosystems.” But a couple of weeks ago, I discovered what my native garden can do for me. 

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