Mission Statement

Bearing Witness to Local Natural History-- from the wildness of Indiana

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tree Roots and Your Life

Tree roots anchor, support, and stabilize trees in the soil. Tree roots absorb water and also take nutrients and chemicals out of the soil and use them to produce what is needed for the tree’s growth, development, and repair. Tree roots have character and can be fascinating in their shapes and designs. There is a beauty in their perseverance and struggle to maintain a healthy hold in the soil for the survival of the tree that continues to grow and change high above.


Beech Tree Roots I                                                     ©Joni L. James

Beech Tree Roots II                                           ©Joni L. James

 Tree roots can be a symbol for our own lives. How do tree roots relate to your roots? How are you anchored, supported, and stabilized? What about the character, beauty, and perseverance of your growth and survival? I invite you to add your comments to these questions. Click the comment button and share your thoughts! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read this blog post a while ago...
and have been thinking about how to comment...
this is such a deep question...
and I still don't have many answers.
However, if my roots were drawn as tree roots,
there would be one center strong root
supporting all the other smaller fingerlings.
The one root?
Indiana family...can't leave Indiana because of family.
Nor do I actually want to leave forever,
just spend winters someplace w.a.r.m.
And, someday...I will.