For the 5th consective year, the Bald Eagles near my home are on the nest incubating. They began last Friday, February 17, 2012. Both adults have been busy renovating the nest for weeks. How many eggs are present?
Bald Eagles usually lay one egg per day, but not always on successive days. The clutch is usually completed in 3–6 days. The incubation period averages 35 days and hatching occurs over a period of days. So by March 23rd, the first egg could be pipping open. Both male and female incubate with the female serving the majority of the time.
If you are mesmerized by the behaviors and activities of nature, I recommend you tune into the fabulous Bald Eagle nestcam from Decorah, Iowa. This is a 24/7 camera with tremendous views of the eagle nest. They have 3 eggs present.
I wish a nestcam could be erected here in Morgan County to observe the activities of the Bald Eagle nest I watch from my home. Nestcams are a wonderful tool to involve the public in learning about wildlife and creating a connection. Although not the same as being outdoors and observing first hand . . . the nestcam does allow a intimate and consistent connection.
Advances in technology allow us to peer into the daily lives of wildlife both night and day now. I have observed tree swallows nesting in my plastic gourds in the past. The behaviors and interactions were fascinating and revealing. This technology allows us to learn a great deal and dissolve some of the mystery about the breeding behaviors of birds. The key words here are "some of the mystery". There is still plenty of mystery. Without mystery . . . what is life?
We have bald eagles near us, just off of White River.
They are an appreciated sight when we are lucky enough to have spotted them.
Beautiful Photos!
Yes, we are fortunate here in Morgan Co. to have the opportunity to spot them so often. There are usually several pairs nesting in this county. I never tire of seeing them.
Thank you Jackie!
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