Mission Statement

Bearing Witness to Local Natural History-- from the wildness of Indiana

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Return-- Photographic Study of American Lotus Leaves

I have been absent from my blog for quite some time now. Most recently I have been photographing American Lotus plants at a local pond. I appreciate the owners generosity in allowing me access to this site.
One of the many things I enjoy when photographing is finding a subject and photographing the details of my subject-- seeing it from different perspectives, angles, light, shapes, and parts. Enjoy these images of this marvelous (although prolific) plant of shallow waters. In this study I am sharing images of the leaves/pads. Perhaps more later . . . of flowers & pollinators!

Curling American Lotus Leaf & Reflection

Lotus Leaf & Damselflies

Patterns in Lotus Leaf

"The Maker of this earth but patented a leaf."-- Henry David Thoreau


Unknown said...

Love the reflections; great job with the photos.

Joni James said...

Thanks Deb! Enjoyed your post today too!